Sunday, February 24, 2013


We decided to take the kids and do something fun last was our first time bowling with them.  We had a lot of fun.  I stink, Ryan killed me, Paisley could barely hold the 6 lb. ball, and granny rolled it every time, while Rowan was picking up the 10 lb. ones by herself and carrying them to the lane.  I thought for sure she was going to break a toe, but never once dropped a ball.  Noah likes the stand that you roll the ball down, and tried to make his ball get "air" every time.  He also got pretty upset about not getting a strike ever, but he got over it.  Pretty fun night with my favorite people. 

Family Update...

Its been a while since I did an update of what's going on between each of my kids these days.  I know these things will slip from my memory so I am grateful to finally have a moment to sit and journal some of my thoughts.  I want to start with my baby...Little Miss RoRo.
 She is 22 months, and one of the most adventurous, crazy, fearless, little tornadoes I've ever laid eyes on!  Her most favorite things at this moment are books, especially her "Bet" (Alphabet) book she is looking at here.

She asks for books all day long.  Another favorite book is her 1st year scrapbook I made her.  I finally had to put it up high, because she was so hard on it and it was getting ruined.  But she really loves to look at pictures of herself and her family.  She LOVES Dora!  I remember Paisley getting really excited about Dora at this age too, and it is fun to do it all over again.  She wants to watch it every morning, and I get so sick of it, so I say...Ohh Mickey Mouse!  Lets Watch that!  Or, Bubble Guppies!  Yah, let watch that!  Her response is always very loud and clear..."Nooo, no like mii mou, no like gup gup..DORA!!  She is strong willed and strong opinionated, which I know will be good qualities one day, but does make life interesting as a mother to an almost 2 year old.  She is talking so well, and picking up new words every day.  Today I heard her saying, "Pisly, come on come on" wanting Paisley to help her get something.  She carries stools around everywhere and wants to do everything on her own if she can.  She loves her baby doll that she got for Christmas, and carries that around a lot.  All these things keep bringing back memories of Paisley for me, she is so much like her sister.  We just took her binki away, and it was so sad.  I am glad it's gone now though, and she is already sleeping better.  I love her and her crazy ways, she makes that whole family laugh every day. sweet, content, easy going, non dramatic boy who brings balance to our family.  What would I do with out him?  Noah is 4 1/2, still loves his super heroes, legos, playing the tablet and the wii.  I could say in the morning, "Noah, mommy has cleaning and laundry to do so I need to you play in the toy room for a bit." and I wouldn't hear from him all morning.  He self entertains, and sometimes I need to remind myself to go make some special time for him, because he would never demand it like my girls do. As easy as he is, he also can be stubborn.  He could live on peanut butter and honey sandwiches, and every night he is the last to leave the table because he fights so much with eating his veggies and other food.  I would say, 95% of our dinners consist of him leaving with a mouthful of veggies and tears running down his face...oy.  One day he will like them...right???  But oh how I love him, he has this sweet little smile that melts my heart, and when he sings a song that he has learned from preschool I can't help but feel overwhelmed with love for my little guy.  I have battled with the decision to put him into kindergarten next year or not, and I think we have finally decided with the new mission rules, that it would be best to put him in next year.  I can't believe it!  Seems a bit surreal that I will have 2 children in Elementary School.

And of course, my oldest and wisest, Paisley.  She is going to be 7 in June, but going on 16.  I am enjoying her so much right now.  She is in first grade, and I have loved being so involved in her class this year.  It is fun watching her learn and grow so much.  She also loves to read, and is very good at it.  She just started reading the Box Car Kids, and I can't believe she is reading big chapter books that I remember reading when I was little!  She is so smart, sassy, and thinks she is very funny.  I watch her in class sometimes, and just wonder where she comes from.  She is a little too social at times, and I have to constantly reminder her to not be so chatty in class, but she is very loved.  All of the kids surround her and laugh at her comments, and she loves that attention.  She is boy crazy, and talks about them nonstop...I am in big trouble.  She is currently in a singing group called Limited Edition at Center Stage, and she is having the time of her life at it.  She loves to perform, and sing.  She still is doing tumbling, and I am hoping that will pay off one day, but still am unsure if that will be her "thing" or not.  It is so scary, yet thrilling to see her growing up.  One thing that makes me especially proud is her sweet testimony that I feel coming from her.  She is so crazy at times, but then we have moments during family night, or in a causal discussion that makes me so proud to be her mom, with her sweet spirit and comments she makes, that confirms to me that she is learning right from wrong, and is learning what the holy ghost feels like.  She has born her testimony a few times in sacrament over that last couple of months, and I love her desire to grow in the gospel.

Ryan and I have a bit of decision making to do right now, but that is going to be for a future post, as my time is now run out.  We are happy, healthy, and in love, and that is all that really matters!  We feel blessed to have the life we have, and look forward to our future adventures!

Baby Shower for Baby Bennett!!

We had a small dinner for Shanna the other night to celebrate the future birth of her sweet little guy that will be here soon!!  It was so much fun to sit and talk with Grandma, Bria, and Shanna's inlaws.

 After the shower, I drove Shanna home, and we decided to get a little treat at Neilsen's Frozen Yogurt.  We got talking about Missy, and how much we wished she was with us tonight.  It has been an especially hard few weeks for me, just missing her a lot, and it felt good to cry it out together.  We then decided to do something that will make us laugh...take pictures of course!

Fun night.  Can't wait for future baby Richmond to be here!!!!

It was just one of those days...

Can't wait to get my van back...I miss it dearly.  So do my kids.

Valentines Day!!!

Valentines Day was so much fun this year.  I am Paisley's room mom, which means I am solely in charge of the parties throughout the year.  Every party I think, "Dang it, I should have brought my camera!"  This time, I actually remembered and I am so happy to have some cute pictures from the party.  Paisley has an amazing teacher who works so hard, and I have enjoyed being able to be involved and get to help out so much.
 The cute Valentines Monster bags they made...they got so creative!  I loved it!

 Mrs. Caywood and Paisley.  
 Rowan was once again, very happy to have some candy.  And even got a few Dora bath toys, she had to play with them instantly.

 Noah had a fun day at Preschool as well having a great Party.
 Noah got a little superhero toy...that does something...he is easily pleased.

 His buddy Ira.  They couldn't wait to get inside and check out all their new valentines goodies!
Grandma Hemming gave the kids goody bags, and I decided to just let them go to town on it in one day and get it over with...What a great afternoon for them!  Rowan sat and watched Dora and ate that whole dang bag.  Noah, had enough about half way through.  Both loved Grandma a whole lot that day!

Paisley has been BEGGING for a shirt with "holes" in the sleeve forever, one like MOM has.  I found one at Justice, and was saving the special date to get it for her.  And she was even MORE excited when she saw that her cousin Ella has one just like it!!  We had to take some twiner shots of them together.  So glad she could get a shirt with a hole for her thumb.

Grandma Carey sent a card to each of the kids too, with $5 in it!! That adds up to 5 prizes at the dollar store!!  We will see if I can convince them to save it. :) Such a fun holiday.  I love my sweet kids, and my amazing husband and loved showing it that day.

Moms Green Smoothies...

 Her hair is so lovely.

Dad!!!! Daaaad!!!

Rowan wanted daddy so much...yelling at him and pounding at the door just wasn't working!  Too bad that dang door was locked to the bathroom....hmmm.
 Don't worry, she will figure out a way...
 She got the screw driver out of the basket all by herself and began to try and get in...too smart for her own good.  Silly girl, LOOOVE HER!!