Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I am excited to celebrate Easter with the kids and see the excitement in their eyes when you mention the Easter Bunny and what surprises he may bring, have talks about the Savior and why we celebrate Easter, and have SUNNY weathered Easter Egg hunts (hopefully!). Last night for FHE was the first celebration for the holiday. We talked about the Resurrection, colored Easter eggs, and ate bunny shaped sugar cookies. The kids loved it. It was a fun night.

Last week Paisley and Jaylynn just happened to be wearing matching outfits in different colors on the same day. They both looked so cute so I had to take a picture. I love how Jay's capris look like floods on her and Paisley looks like a giant next to her!

1 comment:

Isaac Family said...

Cute idea Les! Thanks for it, I know what we'll be doing for FHE on Monday... Paisley and Jaylynn look too cute! Hope you're feeling well!