Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Grangeville Summer Visit...

Summer trips to Grangeville is always something we look forward to.  The drive is long and hard, but the destination is always worth it!  When I was a kid I can't remember anything that excited me more then a trip to Utah to visit my grandma and grandpa.  It was the best...I remember driving the long drive and asking 1000 times, "are we there yet?"  I remember loving a rarely bought treat at the gas stations, and having to take turns sitting in "the hump" (you remember...the middle seat with the hump at the feet?).  There was no TV or ipods back then to help the time pass, but we survived and I will never forget some of the memories made on our trips.  I am so grateful that my kids are now getting to experience the same thing.  They were thrilled and counting down the days to go to grandma and grandpas!  Ryan couldn’t get away from work, and I just couldn’t stand the thought of not getting a summer visit in, so my aunt was sweet enough to join me and the kids on the trek to Grangeville.  It was so much fun having her!  She is the greatest help and always so sweet and fun.  It was so great to spend some quality time with my mom and dad, whom I love dearly.  They just are so great.  We spent 2 days at the river, my favorite thing to do when we visit in the summers.  On the second day my dad and I took Paisley and Noah down on inner tubes, then meet up with my Mom, Tricia, and Rowan at our “spot” to play the rest of the time.  We had a blast.  We played games, laughed our heads off, had water fights, overstuffed ourselves with good food, talked, cried, went on good drives, good walks…just great memories that I will cherish.

We always spend lots of time at the swings...

 Down by the river!!

 She could have sat there all day filling the cup with rocks and then emptying them out again.  Great entertainment!! 

 Such a great moment caught on camera!
 Water FIGHT!!
 Paisley and Mom on their way to jump off the rocks...
 Paisley went once with me...once was enough for her.

 Grandpa always is nice enough to take the kids on a ride around the yard...and even let them steer.

 They could be twins here!  
  One night when we were out around the fire pit, Noah pointed out that Hope was in the trees...but as we looked closer we realized it was not Hope but Raccoons!  There were 3 of them spying on us that night.  We enjoyed watching them tip toe across the beam of the swing set and then slide down and run away as fast as they could.

It was hard to say goodbye...and a long drive home.  Rowan screamed for about 6 hours of the drive and only slept for maybe 45 minutes of the 11 hours in the car...crazy girl.  But like I said, it's always worth it!  I look forward to our next trip "over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go".

Swimming Lessons

We decided to join the rest of the cousins for swim lessons this summer.  It was great.  They had so much fun seeing each other every day for 2 weeks, and really learned a lot.  I think we will have to do it again next year!

  Bye mom!  He had no reservations going to his teachers every day...he loved it!

  Paisley was swimming across the pool to her teacher...that was a first to have such confidence.  She did great!

 All the cousins with their certificate of completion and their suckers.
 Love all these cute kids...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Noah!!

My cute little buddy turned 4 this month.  We had big plans for his party...a blow up water slide that they would be able to play on for hours, "snowcone" cupcakes, lots of fun in the sun...except for wait...there was no sun.  We woke up to rain clouds and thunder!  Who would have thought we would have to worry about a back up plan in July?  So, what do you do?  I frantically started making phone calls to indoor swimming pools, rec. centers...trying to find something fun for his special day.  Then is hit me...Chuck E Cheese!  He has been begging to go there forever.  When I asked him what he would want to do out of all the options I gave him, it was a no brainer...Chuck E Cheese was the place to go.  So I called the moms, grandma took Rowan for us last minute, and we quickly made arrangements for his party there.  It turned out perfect, in fact I am willing to bet he enjoyed his party there more then he would have if it was a sunny day on the slide!  They all got pizza and root beer, lots of tokens for games and prizes, he got a turn in the ticket booth with Daddy, Chuck E Cheese even came out and sang to him!  It was a blast, and I loved watching him shyly enjoy himself.
Here he is with some of his best buddies.

 He wore this sly little grin all day long.  So happy to be there, but too shy to show just how much fun he really was having.  

 Catching tickets for prizes with Daddy!

His actual birthday was on Sunday, so we had cake and ice cream at Grandma Hemming's with all of the family.  It was another fun day full of great spiderman gifts, legos, and spoiling him on his special day.  I sure love this kid.  I really can't believe he is 4!

 Love that smile!