Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Fun...

We got to pick up Christian Aponte from the airport a few weeks ago.  He was a little boy when Ryan baptized his family on his mission in Argentina.  Since then, this is their 5th and last child to serve a mission.  He was called to Pocatello, ID.  What a small world!
 It was so great to see him and talk with him a bit before we took him to the MTC.  I could tell he was a bit overwhelmed, this must be a scary yet exciting thing for a young missionary to be in the US for the first time.
 We showed him temple square and took him to eat at Cheesecake Factory before taking him to the MTC.

  Noah started T-Ball.  He loves it!  It is fun to watch him grow as he learns the rules of the game and how to play.  Such a cute boy I have.

 Getting ready for the Lehi Round Up Parade.  Paisley of course was so excited to be on another float this year for dance.

  Later that day, we had a little BBQ with the family.  Justin and Bria even brought my favorite Ice Cream Cake for my birthday.  It was delicious!

 Justin started telling the kids Big Foot stories...they were loving it.

 Just look at their faces!  They LOVE uncle Justin!
Paisley did end up sleeping in my bed that night...
 Best friends and cousins!

 Bria bought these glasses for Paisley for her birthday.  Rowan already loves them just as much as her big sister.
 Of course there is always play time in the back yard.  This small little pool is for Rowan, but as you can see the big kids like it too.

 We visited my sweet grandma.  I am so happy to see her doing so well after her surgery.  The kids sure love her too.  Paisley loves to play with her porcelain doll and buggy.  
 We brought her her favorite for lunch...Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheeseburger with fries and a frosty! 

 Missy's headstone got put in.  It looks beautiful.  It was hard to see, but having the kids there made me keep it together a little more then I would have been able to if I were alone.  I miss her a lot.

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