Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome Home Grandpa!

It feels really nice to have the Patriarch of the family home again, and very comforting to know he got here safe and sound...for good! His flight came in really late on Wednesday night, so on Thursday morning we all met up at Grandma and Grandpa's for the big reunion. It was really great to all be together again. Later that day we went down to the Expo Center where they were having the outdoor show. The kids loved it, and we all got to hold a baby bear, which was the coolest thing EVER! Then that night the adults all went out to Steve's favorite Mexican restaurant, Mi Ranchito.

I'm not sure why I needed to stand in front and show off my big belly...oh my.
Do you love Paisley's hat that grandpa brought home from Iraq? It matched her outfit perfectly! hehe...

Us at the Expo Center holding the baby bear. Paisley wanted to call him "Carl the Cub"...I thought it was a pretty creative name!

We couldn't be happier to have Grandpa Hemming home again! We love him dearly and feel complete as a family once again!


jaclynn and michael said...

Yay for colonel hemming. what a great father in law you have. sweet, generous people.
but yes dying laughing at your front row prego pic. Im alughing because you still look great but feel your pain even reading it. hurry up baby.

jaclynn and michael said...

tayvee just said "mom paisley looks beautiful"