Sunday, April 24, 2011

Showers come just in time!

Here I am with my sweet sister, sister-in-laws, and mother-in-law at the Cheesecake Factory, one week before baby Rowan was born . What a fun night out! The food was of course delish and I got some pretty dang cute things for baby Rowan! Thanks to my wonderful family for all they do for me, I will love dressing her up with all my new things! You guys really are the best ever. Ever.
The night before Rowan was born, I went out with my girls to Chilis for a late night appetizer and DC overdose. They SPOILED me rotten! To die for clothes, little bracelets, massage cert. for post baby relief, and the essentials...DIAPERS...LOTS OF DIAPERS! I almost cancelled the night and told everyone to just come over in PJ's and hang out because I just was not feeling good, but I stuck it out and was so glad we went, it was such a fun night. I don't think anyone believed me when I said I was pretty sure the baby was coming...little did we know a few hours later I would be admitted to the hospital! :)
Ok, Hailey. Wow. I mean I am willing to bet no one has a cuter car seat cover then I will have. You are amazing. You could be rich from selling these if you wanted to! Love love love this!! need to wear bows more often, it suites you wonderfully!
I wish you could see the little pink bracelet better tied at the of the diaper cake. It is to die for!
I just want to tell my girls that I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends surround me! I feel like I don't deserve you guys! I mean really, you are the best of the best and I don't know how I would live my day to day life with out you ladies! Thanks for spoiling me...I love you all!

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