Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rowan is 11 months old...

Let the one year birthday party planning begin!  OOHHHHH how I love this "little" screamer!  Lots of new things happened this month...
she signs "more"and "milk", she continues to move around everywhere and pull herself up on everything and has fallen down the stairs about 10 times (without every really hurting herself thank goodness), hopefully she gets it down soon.  She screams ALOT, not like "I'm mad" screaming, but more like, "I'm here, pay attention to me!" screams. Not gonna lie, our whole family says the words at least a couple times a day, "Rowan!!  Oh my goodness, stop the screaming!"  Even Noah has that sentence down pretty good.  She is starting to be attached to her mama, hates the gym day care...I am already dreading when it's Nursery drop off time, I have a feeling there will be some major melt downs...she loves to pull down books off of the kids shelf and open the ones with the "touch" friendly pages, and run her little fingers across each of the pages to feel the different textures.  It is really cute to watch her look at her books, I sure love her!!!

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