Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rowan's Surgery...

It was a hard day for our little RoRo.  Here she is with Daddy, (bright and-early 7am) as we were getting to the hospital.  She was HUNGRY!!!
 After about a 20 minute wait we got into a room and put her little hospital jammies on.

 Next was the little toe monitor.  She thought it tasted really good.
 What a big smile for the nurse!

 I know she looks really happy here, but she wasn't.  Those were quick moments.  We were trying everything in our power to keep her distracted from her empty tummy.  
 The hospital had some sort of state inspection that day, so everything was taking FOREVER to get started.  Lots of triple checking paperwork, etc.  Kind of annoying.  We waited for about another 45 minutes before Ryan finally got her to fall asleep.

 Finally the anesthesiologist came in to take her away.  She slept on his shoulder as he whisked her away from us.  It really broke my heart.  I knew all would be well, but it's still so sad!!

 It's a short surgery, and she was back to us just in time for us to finish our hospital pancakes that Ryan got at the grill for us.  I remember Noah being really out of it, and a bit upset, but it was NOTHING like how Rowan was.  She was SOOO MAD.  Gosh, I really can't explain it.  Just lifeless, couldn't even open her eyes, pure dead weight, yet frantically screaming at the top of her lungs.  Its was the saddest thing ever.
 Finally she calmed down enough to eat a bit.  But she was still pretty upset in between gulps and she was swallowing so much air that she kept burping, which set her off into a frenzy due to the pain in her ears when burping.  They made us keep her an extra 30 minutes or so until she calmed down enough they thought she was ok to go.  Thank you to my dear friend Jessica for getting Paisley off to school and keeping Noah for me so Ryan and I could do this together.
This was truly a move I am so blessed we did not wait to do with Rowan.  It was a $600 deductible, and the doctor said it was our choice to wait and see how she does in a few month, but recommended doing it now.  So we considered both options, but then decided it was worth it to have a happy healthy baby and not risk keeping her in pain.  SO INSPIRED to do this!  Her poor ears were so full of puss and fluid that she didn't even pass her hearing test before the surgery.  The next day at her follow up visit, the doctor said her test results came back with a rare type of strep in the ear, which would have gone unnoticed and very likely caused a lot of damage to the inner ear had she not had the surgery right away.  She was pretty cranky the rest of the day, but she is so good and happy now.  The only thing that is so funny to me is that she is so "tipsy".  She can't keep her balance very good, and falls over all the time.  I keep laughing at her, she even falls over just sitting sometimes.  I'm sure she will adjust and get her balance back now that her ears are normal.  She just has to fully adjusted to life without ears full of fluid!  She also seems to be more sensitive to noise.  Paisley was so cute and concerned for Rowan.  She has made sure to tell any of her friends that come over not to make too much noise because it will hurt her ears.  She was also very concerned about seeing her after her surgery too, wanting to make sure here ears would not be bloody.  She sure is funny.  Glad my little Rowan is happy and healthy now.  Just a little concern and hope that she will pass her hearing test next week, but I am sure she will.  Lets hope we have as much success with these tubes as we did with Noah!

1 comment:

Isaac Family said...

Oh Les, I can't believe I didn't ask how she was doing yesterday! I'm glad all is well- you sure are a good little momma. We just love you and are so thankful that you were inspired to get this done for her! Way to be in tune-