Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This is Cute...

I remember growing up on Saturday mornings I would awake to my mother singing loud and clear for us all the hear, "Rise and Shout the Cougars are out!". Well, that is one tradition that won't be carried into our home. Sorry mom, that's your son in laws fault. At the age of 2 Noah is already a "Utah Man". Ryan is probably going to kill me for posting this, but it's just too cute not to!

1 comment:

jaclynn and michael said...

AHHHHH UNREAL!!!! That makes up for poop on the stairs wouldn't ya say? and was that just a little preview of Ryan's potential in that wedding video I have yet to see?. HMMM maybe if we didn't chat for 5 dang hours today . Cant wait for monday still. Iv got about another 10 in me. Thanks friend for the fun day. You are just inspiring! Love ya