Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Young Family Reunion 2001

This was the first official "Young Family Reunion" that I have been to.  It was so much fun!  It took place at Terri and Kerri's house, and it couldn't have been a better place to all join together.  The theme centered around this:
There was an endless cookie jar...all sorts of different cookies, it just kept getting refilled.  I think Grandma Young made about 42 dozen cookies to prepare for this, as well as several other people who brought their favorite cookies to add to the jars.
Here is a picture of just the grand kids (spouses not included), with the great grand kids.  What an awesome group!
I love how Grandma was smack in the middle holding little sweet!
We had a talent show, the Hemming gandkids all sang "Rise and Shine and Give God Your Glory!" with actions.  It was really cute!

Jared took the kids on rides in the cool Jeep around the race track.  He was driving so fast and crazy, I got a little nervous but the kids were LOVING it!

 There was a belly flop competition...Brad might just have taken it with this one...haha!
 Wow Paisley, you look so graceful here!
 The kids swam for hours just in pure heaven!
Great cousins and friends!

 Ben and Tanner...lovin' the cheese!

We held a silent auction for Stanley and Logan...2 sweet cousins who have been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy.  With all the different donations, we raised over $4,000 to help with medical expenses!!!  Definitly the best part of the day to hear that news.  Such sweet boys, our prayers will continue to be with them and hope that a a cure is found soon! 
 Steve and LeeAnn were presented with a beautiful quilt in thanks to Steve for his service in Iraq last year.

Grandma was crowned as the cookie monster!
 One of Paisley's second cousins showed up in almost the same dress, how random in that!

 Such a fun trip!  We also went white water rafting the day before, which was so much fun and hopefully can get some pics of that soon!  So many good people!  And a huge thank you to Jared and Jodi for letting us stay at their house!  Forever Young!

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