Thursday, September 1, 2011

Paisley Starts Kindergarten...

As you can tell she was more then happy to pose for some shots before school...

Then we had to get some with her new back pack on...
Lets go MOM!!!  She was so excited she could not get to school early enough!
In front of the school with her best buddy JayLynn...

As she walked through the doors and lined up with her class I watched through the window and couldn't hold back my emotions as hard as I tried.  This was my did she grow up so fast?  I cried all the way to Walmart, then composed myself.  Then I saw a blonde little girl about 2 years old, shopping with her mom and all I could think of was was what seemed like yesterday, that was Paisley and I! The tears started again.  Gosh it was hard for me.  I didn't think it would be that hard.
Then the bus FINALLY came to bring her home.  I was so excited to see her and hear all about her day.
She got off with a sad face and my heart dropped.  She had a fever of 102, and was barely able to walk home she was so miserable.  Poor girl.

Gratefully it was just a 24 hour bug and she was good to go the next day.  She had a great second day.  Her teacher is Ms. Peterson, and we love her already!  She came home with such cute homework and it was so fun to sit and do it together.  She laughed so hard when daddy pretended to put on lip stick and kiss the paper like mommy had to do.  I can't wait to hear about her every day adventures that she will have in kindergarten!  

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