Tuesday, January 17, 2012

8 months old...

This is what I walked in to find on Sunday morning...yup, time to lower the crib!!
 This little cutie is all over the place, and just likes to follow me from room to room.  She just about climbed out of her crib, and attempts the stairs on a daily basis.  Oye.  Here comes the busy, watch out every second for Rowan stage.  She is a human vacuum.  The other day the kids spilt chip crumbs on the carpet, but a few minutes later they were gone.  Rowan had crawled to each one and enjoyed herself a snack...ugh that's one more things I have to watch out for, every little squinkie, polly pocket, princess, and super hero toy  appears to Rowan as her personal chewing/choking toys.  Also, just within the last few days she has began to notice when someone is eating, and is not happy about it if we are not sharing or there is not food for her.  It is fun to have her sit with us at the kitchen table now and have her eating smashed up whatever veggies we are eating.  Tonight she sat in her chair for about 45 minutes chowing down on one pea at a time.  I sure love her and all her new exciting things she is learning to do!
Hmm...I think I'll take a walk to the OTHER side of my crib.  Wow this is exciting!
 Hi Mommy!!!  Come and get me pleeease!!
 A few weeks ago Andelyn came up to me and asked if she could sleep over.  It was a school night so I told her on a Friday night she could.  So, the following Friday, Rebecca is about to put Andelyn to bed and she asks her mom, "Mommy, what day is Friday?"  Rebecca told her it was that day.  She then had a complete melt down that she was not sleeping at our house.  I felt SOO bad when I heard the story.  So, Ella and Andelyn stayed over night on Saturday, it was fun.  They thought Noah's pj bottoms would be funny to put on Rowans head.
I mean, really I can't handle how cute Ande is some times.  She just talks in the cutest voice and says the cutest things.  I can't say no to her about anything, even is she does forget who her uncle Ryan is.  Haha.

Her and Noah are quite the good little buddies.
Pretty girls.

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