Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I dream of Ice Fishing...

Not me. Ryan. He thinks about it non-stop in the winter, and during the Christmas break was able to go a couple of times. I don't get it. He wakes up at 4 FREAKING AM, drives hours of snowy icy roads into the mountains, trudges through several feet of snow in blistering windy 5 below weather, to go sit in the middle of a lake, dig a hole, and sit and fish for hours! REALLY? I guess that is why we have our own hobbies...thank goodness! Good for you though honey, I'm glad you caught a big one. Just please don't come home and cook another one until after the baby comes...you don't want to see me barf again do you???
Pure Joy on that handsome smile! Oh, and by the way...Happy Birthday old man I love you!


Rebecca said...

Oh look how proud he is!! I don't understand any of Brad's hobbies either. Never is their something i want to wake up in the middle of the night to go do. Really nothing!

Isaac Family said...

Holy cow that thing is huge! I tried leaving a comment on your last post a few days ago but my computer wouldn't have it. I'm so sorry that you guys were so sick over the holidays. Glad it's over now! Happy Birthday Ryan! We just love you guys!